Friday, October 9, 2015

Who Will Speak for Me?

This ridiculous story has inspired me to wax poetic.
Clemson University issued an apology to students on Thursday after what appears to be a small group of students were offended by an annual Mexican cuisine event put on by university dining services.

Clemson Dining’s “Maximum Mexican” night, has become a student favorite over the last several years, and this year was no different.

Everything was going great. Students were loving the food and festivities. Except for two students, who took to Twitter to voice their displeasure with the school’s decision to host such a “#CUlturallyInsensitive” event.

Here I go!

They came for the chimichangas, but I wasn’t Mexican, so I said nothing.
They came for the bratwurst, but I wasn’t German, so I said nothing.
They came for the potatoes, but I wasn’t Irish, so I said nothing.
They came for the sushi, but I wasn’t Japanese, so I said nothing.

So when they came for the fried chicken, collard greens, ham hocks, black-eyed peas, macaroni and cheese, and...wait. What was I saying?

Be right back.

(This meme also works well with booze.)

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