Saturday, November 15, 2014

Yesterday and Today

So I was sitting outside this morning, drinking my coffee and talking to God--per usual--and commenting on the difference between yesterday and today.

Yesterday, at the same time, I had been asking Him to solve some of my problems and asking him what He wanted me to do. (I don't believe that God is the Great Sugar Daddy in the Sky; He wants us to ask Him what to do, then act--whatever that action may entail.)

The advice to "ask and receive" applies here; receive information as to what to do. In my case, it was to take the resources I did have at hand and to use them: to tell my friends and readers what is going on and, as we know, that's what I did. And, oh my--I am still receiving. 

So the difference between yesterday and today is this: yesterday morning, I did not know, specifically, how my problems would be solved. And, this morning, my utilities are paid, one of my laptops will be fixed--to facilitate my writing--and, best of all, I'm preparing to send out dozens of copies of my novel, Tale of the Tigers. (The book site is about to be upgraded, courtesy of yet another spontaneous act of generosity from an old blog friend who saw a need. Hey, I'm a writer, not a website designer. /McCoy)

And, oh yes, my primary task today is sending Thank You notes. Each person will get one, but this post is a public, blanket expression of gratitude.

God bless you all, in Jesus' name; especially, you, Glenn Reynolds and a number of people who wish not to be named. Your names are known to God.That's for sure.

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